Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Making Friends with Local Wildlife

Very pleased to discover some exotic local wildlife (c/o Frosts Garden Centre) on the living room rug and immediately adopted stalking position and gave it a good bash about with paws.  Most interesting twig like bits projecting from its head that I also explored with my teeth.

I am naturally blessed with interior decorating skills and like to re-arrange glass baubles on Christmas trees to a more aesthetically pleasing position.  This usually involves standing on tip-toes, grabbing and pulling them with some force off a branch and then tossing them with great vigour around the floor until they break apart into many tiny pieces.  Roll on December I say, may the fun beginneth.

Have been rather bored over recent days though as 'the rain it raineth every day' in West Oxfordshire recently and I have not been particularly enthusiastic about taking myself into great puddles even if there are plenty of worms to be had.  I have been giving my owner a good shouting at when she returns from work and demand to be picked up and cuddled where I purr loudly.

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Avon Calling

A Moses Basket

Crikey, bit of a tight squish to fit into my cat basket.  I've not used it for several months and think it must have 'shrunk in the wash'.  My owner implied I might have put on weight and I was most offended.  What is worse, I have to revist the vets soon for some booster jabs and a health check and last time they suggested I was rather on the portly side, can you imagine?

Still cultivating my fleas nicely despite Frontline assaults. My owner de-capitated one last night in the kitchen sink with some hot water and washing up liquid.  Have been assisting  with the wrapping of a few presents recently and she is a little concerned that she may be gift wrapping a few flea eggs for the recipients at the same time, lucky them!

Met nice 'Avon Calling' lady, Shirley, on Sunday afternoon and brushed around her ankles until highly offensive tortoiseshell feline appeared on opposite side of the road whereupon I charged like the lightbrigade (whatever that might be??).  I believe that their 'Skin So Soft' range is meant to be excellent at deterring mosquitos and midges and such like so maybe my owner ought to have bought some lotion for my infernal fleas.  Off for a snooze now ....