Thursday, 23 August 2012

Lust in translation?

My owner informs me that she may have to change the title of her Blog from'Bad Cat Chat' as it may be confusing some menfolk further towards the snowy plains of the North Pole. 

She tells me that there is a feature on Blogger that lets you view the Audience of your blog so you can identify which countries are looking at your site as well as something called 'Traffic Source' that lets you see referring sites.  Unfortunately, my mistress clicked on one of these referring sites at work and discovered it was a
p(r)awn site, horrors.  How unfortunate to have this unwanted attention on myself.  She fears the internet search of 'bad' + 'cat' is confusing those with more of an elementary grasp of English who are searching for 'naughty' + 'pussy'.  Please note that I am a MALE cat and I most definitely don't want men ogling my furry physique so please kindly take yourself off elsewhere.

1 comment:

  1. Omg, like totally lollage.


    A Gustus - Naughty Manly Pussycat. Miaow....
